The ARXA blog has been holding the annual national Unique Awards since 2017, the main goal of which is to appreciate artists, athletes, public figures, medical workers, education, media and related sectors, including business representatives. The Board of Trustees is …
On December 20, the Leader School had a real magic atmosphere — we’ve celebrated the most long-awaited and beloved holiday — New Year! This is a miracles time, desires fulfillment, joy and anticipation of something extraordinary. Preparations for the holiday …
On November 22, the Leader School had a real autumn holiday atmosphere — we’ve celebrated Harvest Day, a thanksgiving holiday for the generous nature gifts and an Armenian land fertility symbol. Autumn with its bright colors and rich harvest, became …
September 21 is one of the most important dates in the Armenian people history, the day when the Republic of Armenia independence was proclaimed. We are proud to celebrate this significant event and honor the memory of those who fought …
On May 23, 2024, the long-awaited Open Day was held at the Leader School, which became a real holiday for everyone who is interested in quality education and development. The school warmly welcomed the guests — future pupils and their …
Winter holidays at the Leader Azaryan school became a cultural discoveries journey. Little leaders visited theaters, galleries, cinemas. However, the most striking event of their unforgettable days was a visit to the home-workshop of the Armenia Paravon Mirzoyan Honored Artist. …
The Leader-Azaryan school pupils summed up the past year results, keeping in their hearts new goals, new expectations that need to be fulfilled.
The Leader Azaryan School pupils summed up the past year, keeping in their hearts new goals, new expectations and plans that are yet to be realized. When we look back, the outgoing year picture is colored with the colors of …
Our schoolchildren’s holidays are rich in cultural programs. Recently the little leaders visited the O. Tumanyan Puppet Theater in Yerevan to participate in the “Gifts from Santa Claus” New Year’s musical performance