Leader School founder and CEO wins ARXA Blog Unique Awards
The ARXA blog has been holding the annual national Unique Awards since 2017, the main goal of which is to appreciate artists, athletes, public figures, medical workers, education, media and related sectors, including business representatives. The Board of Trustees is invited to the award ceremony, which selects committee members. This year, the commission was attended by 18 representatives: honored artists of the Republic, famous doctors, world famous athletes and related industries representatives. All those people who also got a special Unique Awards years ago.
The National Unique Awards are held under the patronage of Aram Khachaturian (ARXA blog). The award takes place once or twice a year.
Also, one of the goals is to create a competitive platform so that specialists and various structures of the Republic work even more efficiently, realizing that their work is appreciated.
This year’s Unique Awards took place on January 18 at Continental Restaurant.
The award ceremony consists of two stages: a show program with an award and television, during which information about the winner and his merits is shown, thereby introducing viewers to examples. Follow our news. We’ll publish the link to the TV broadcast on our social networks.