Preparation for school.
Comprehensive program
for children aged 4 - 6 years
We help prepare for the school environment, begin to master
knowledge and facilitate the child’s adaptation to a new way of life

Development of a person's outlook
and emotional intelligencein international environment
Communication skills
formation with teachersand peers
Basic knowledge
and general development,including rules of conduct
Attend our excursion

To meet with Leader School is pretty simple! We invite children and their parents on individual excursions during which we demonstrate our educational programs and equipment, as well as the school interiors. This helps pupils to better comprehend how our school works, the learning opportunities we have and how they can use them to develop themselves.
- on weekdays
- 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Armen Khostikyan Street, 12, Yerevan
Getting knowledge is easy and informative with us
Despite the seriousness of the material, children attend classes with pleasure and great interest
Game format
Educational blocks are combined with outdoor games and athletic minutes to avoid unnecessary stress and redirect attentionFirst friends
The child will learn to communicate with the teacher and with peers, will feel confident in a new team, learn about the rules of conduct at school and find new friendsMaximum attention
A small number of children in the group allows us to pay maximum attention to each child and monitor his progressComprehensive individual development.
4 main fields of subjects
Working with motor skills, attention, thinking and memory. Creative and intellectual development.
Mathematics is the discipline with which children of all ages have the most problems. This often leads to self-doubt and even fear of school lessons. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation!
Mathematical training of children at Leader School is aimed at developing and strengthening counting skills and performing simple calculations, revealing the child’s abilities in the exact sciences. In our classes, our students learn to freely navigate the concepts of “more”, “less” and “equal”, time concepts such as minute, hour, day, month and year, distinguish geometric shapes and create compositions. Children learn numbers and can count ones and tens up to 100, and solve examples of addition and subtraction.
Solving examples, logical problems and knowledge of elementary spatial concepts help children develop the speed of mental operations, independently overcome difficulties and show resourcefulness in unusual situations.
The visual materials used by Leader School teachers are colorful, attractive, and of high quality. Classes using such fascinating systems and early development methods as mental arithmetic, Z. Dienesh’s logical blocks, and Kuinzer’s counting sticks give good results in developing children’s sustainable cognitive interest in the world of numbers.
Everyone can count. Few adults can solve examples with three- to four-digit numbers in their heads in a few seconds. When children demonstrate the wonders of counting multi-digit numbers, it seems like something fantastic.
In fact, training young geniuses is possible at Leader School based on the progressive method of mental arithmetic, the effectiveness of which is recognized in many countries around the world – Japan, Singapore, China, Russia. The essence of training is to teach a child to perform mathematical calculations in the mind, on a mental level and faster than a calculator, developing both hemispheres of the brain – the left, responsible for logic, high IQ, concentration, memory, reaction, and the right, in the zone of which there is creativity, independence, imagination, intuition. .
The main instrument of the initial period of learning is the abacus, an abacus invented in Ancient China. Completing tasks with the abacus forms new neural connections in children. When children perfectly master counting on the abacus and they acquire the ability to think analytically, learning moves to the mental level.
The methodology of the Hungarian teacher Zoltan Dienesh is focused on the development of logic and abstract thinking, memory and analytical abilities. In games using this method, the child learns to identify various properties, retain these properties in memory, and divide material according to several criteria simultaneously.
Activities and games with Dienesh blocks in the Leader School preschool education program visually introduce children to the shape, color and size of objects, promote the development of mathematical abilities, provide an understanding and basic knowledge of computer science, and have a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s speech.
Special colored blocks – Cuisenaire rods – appeared thanks to the work of a Belgian mathematics teacher. With their help, it became possible to teach children basic mathematical operations in a visual playful form. The development of the child, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, the development of creative behavior is the main purpose of these games.
On the one hand, the child is offered food to imitate, and on the other hand, a field for imagination and personal creativity is provided. Thanks to these games, the child develops mental processes, mental operations, modeling and design abilities, develops ideas about mathematical concepts, and successfully prepares for school. This is the main goal of the technique.
“The history of a child’s writing begins much earlier than the time when the teacher first puts a pencil in his hands and shows him how to write letters,” believed the famous Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky. Writing is a complex skill that involves making fine, coordinated movements of the hand. The process of writing itself is extremely complex and requires developing the mechanisms necessary to master writing.
By the age of 4, children can draw simple geometric shapes and are given the task of learning to maintain the size of signs, write straight lines and strokes, and be able to measure the same distance between them. During classes at Leader School, experienced teachers help children master writing techniques.
While performing exercises in the copybooks, our students:
learn to trace numbers, letters, graphic symbols, then write them independently;
train visual memory, which helps to quickly master counting and reading;
pay attention to the correct position of the hand and posture;
learn to hold a pencil so that the hand is not constrained and tense;
develop accuracy, perseverance, diligence and responsibility.
Teaching reading at Leader School is based on an individual approach and involves developing a child’s cognitive interest in reading.
Mastering initial reading skills requires a certain readiness of the sensorimotor and intellectual spheres of the preschooler.
In classes at Leader School, children become familiar with letters, improve phonemic awareness, perception, attention, and memory. Classes are conducted in a fun way with the use of beautiful books, bright demonstration materials to organize a subject-based development environment and bring joy to children.
Every child has talent and ability for a foreign language. At what age is it better to start learning English? Linguistic experts say: the sooner the better.
In English classes at Leader School, children learn a new language: repeat words, play, sing songs, stage skits, draw, in a word – create.
Experienced teachers at Leader School strive to help children gain confidence in communication, get them interested in the English language, feel and love it, and lay a foundation that will allow them to master several languages in the future.
Learning English at Leader School is exciting and effective because:
Leader School uses specially designed programs taking into account age and individual characteristics;
learning English at Leader School is based on games in which children learn to recognize letters, sounds, and develop sensory skills;
children master literacy and reading, use a foreign language in everyday speech, increase their vocabulary, and gradually learn to think in English;
Our classes create a creative and comfortable atmosphere where children approach learning with joy and genuine interest.
Etiquette classes at Leader School are an interesting game that simulates situations that children encounter in life. They form good habits and communication skills with people of different ages, and give an idea of the basic rules of behavior. Etiquette classes at our school are good classes that raise independent, self-confident, respectful, attentive and kind children.
Imagination plays an important role in children’s development. In this sense, theater helps the child master different roles and join the wonderful world of art. Play is the main activity for children, and play is the basis of stage productions. Being in the thick of fairy-tale events, children get involved in the game, fight for the truth, and try on different roles. Stiffness disappears, the child reveals himself as a person. All children are talented and spontaneous. Our classes reveal creative potential, give children new emotions, new friends, and self-confidence.
All children love to sing, imitate sounds, improvise and compose their own songs. The development of vocal abilities not only enriches the emotional sphere of the child, but also has a positive effect on improving his health.
In the hands of our experienced teachers, music lessons become a fun and enjoyable experience. The development of vocal skills, sense of rhythm, ear for music, correct articulation and breathing have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of the child.
Music classes at Leader School are conducted with live piano accompaniment, enrich the child’s inner world and evoke a strong emotional response.
From a very early age, we teach children to maintain correct posture and monitor it. Dance, like no other art, has enormous potential for the full aesthetic and physical development of a child, reveals creative abilities through the harmony of movements, and makes the child’s movements natural and beautiful.
Dance classes at Leader School form the emotional sphere of children, develop auditory, visual, muscle memory, and artistry. Our program has a unique feature in the combination of such areas as rhythm, choreography, plasticity and stage movement, and the game form of classes becomes an exciting and fun experience for children.
Graphic activity is one of children’s favorite activities. According to a number of modern psychologists, the best period for the development of creativity is preschool age. Visual arts classes develop not only creative abilities, but also imagination, observation, artistic thinking and memory of children.
The child experiences a variety of feelings, rejoices at the beautiful image that he created himself, learns to organize work and bring it to the end. But the most important thing is that by creating an image, the child acquires knowledge, his ideas about the environment are clarified and deepened, he comprehends the new qualities of objects, and masters visual skills.
In order for Graphic activities in the classroom to be most effective, Leader School uses gaming techniques, fairy-tale images, the effects of surprise and magic, and of course the best materials for creativity.
Correctional and developmental effort at Leader School begins at the diagnostic stage. Based on the diagnostic results, an individual development route is drawn up for each child, taking into account the identified characteristics.
The work of a psychologist at Leader School is aimed at preserving the mental and social well-being of students, creating psychological comfort for participants in the pedagogical process, helping children, parents and teaching staff in solving specific problems.
A speech therapist working at Leader School with children identifies the level of development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills and speech development, and conducts frontal group and individual speech therapy work.
Sand is a material that attracts. Its flowability attracts both children and adults. Sand takes away negative mental energy, and the touch of sand stabilizes the emotional state.
Playing with sand is not only fun for a child. Interaction with kinetic sand calms the child and frees him from “excess” energy. Since the mass of kinetic sand is capable of maintaining plasticity and flowability, the child has a feeling of control over what is happening while working with such sand.
An exciting game of sand develops tactile sensations, sensory perception, fine motor skills, figurative and spatial thinking, and imagination. In addition, a positive emotional attitude, perseverance, and practical experimentation skills are formed.
Sports and recreational leisure is given special attention in the Leader School preschool education program. Our students do gymnastics, warm-up, breathing exercises, and play outdoor games every day. Classes are held indoors and outdoors. On them, children develop endurance, strength, agility, and improve coordination of movements. The most important thing is that the child is instilled with a love of sports and physical activity. The Leader School program in this area contains general and special physical training, which includes jumping, dancing exercises, exercises with a ball, skipping rope, and hoop.
Chess lessons for children are “mental gymnastics” and exciting entertainment, as well as an effective pedagogical technique that develops logical thinking, memory, perseverance and attention.
Leader School trainers and teachers tell our students about the history of chess, the meaning of chess pieces, the rules of the game and game combinations.
Chess lessons have a positive effect on the development of a child’s intellectual and personal abilities, help children quickly master reading, counting, solve examples, teach them to be calm about defeats and analyze the causes of mistakes.

After mastering the preparatory program, your child will be able to:
add and subtractsolve problems
hold a pen correctly and write in cursiveread
communicate in a foreign language
He will also have:
excellent motor skillsgood coordination of movementscreative thinking ability to work in teams.
developed logic and memory expanded vocabulary developed attention and concentration
Pricing plans for the preschool
Cost of services for applicants in the 2024 - 2025 academic yearLeader +
monthly plan
Creative studies
monthly plan
We trusted with the main thing
how we ensure the health and comfort of students
Care and safety
One of the main priorities of Leader School is organizing the safety of children. Controlled access and additional security measures ensure the protection of our students and peace of mind for parentsClassrooms
- These are designer classrooms with modern equipment, ergonomic desks, laboratory, computer and other interactive equipment and multimedia equipment for demonstrating educational films and audio materialsBus service
A well-coordinated system for transporting children on school buses not only makes it easier to accompany, but also guarantees safety and comfort. In the morning, before classes start, children are transported to school on time, and in the evening buses take them back home
Our kitchen employs professional chefs who prepare healthy food for children. At the school's buffet, children are offered a choice of ordering food, taking into account their taste preferences
- Hypoallergenic products
- Balanced diet
- New menu every day
Contact details
Leader School is located in the Yerevan Plaza Business Center, which provides maximum comfort and safety for children, in close proximity to Republic Square, the embassies of the Russian Federation, France, Italy, numerous cultural attractions and libraries, surrounded by well-kept parks.
Armen Khostikyan Street, 12, Yerevan
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 20:00.
Sunday and Saturday: weekend
Excellent transport and pedestrian accessibility create a favorable atmosphere for children and parents. This is especially convenient for families who live in different parts of the city and want their children to have easy and safe access to school.
Our social networks
We are often asked:
You need to leave a request: call the phone number provided, write to Telegram or the school’s social networks. Arrange a meeting and have an interview with the administration, write a statement.
To enroll in our school, you have to provide the following documents: a copy of your birth certificate, one of the parents’ passport copy, a medical certificate, a certificate of residence and a certificate about completion of the previous educational institution (if available).
In our school, meals are organized at a high level. We offer complete, balanced meals three times a day. Our chefs prepare delicious and healthy food that satisfies all the needs of the child’s body. The menu includes fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, as well as sweets and drinks.
For the convenience of parents and children, Leader School provides a morning transfer service. From 8:00 in the morning, our buses pick up children from different points of the city along well-known routes, ensuring comfort and safety on the way to school. This is especially true for children living in remote areas or for those who simply value their time. For more detailed information, please contact the school administration.
Our school offers a wide range of additional services, such as hobby groups, sports sections, foreign language classes and much more. We also organize various events such as excursions, celebrations and conferences.
We guarantee the safety of our students through professional security and strict access control to the school premises.